Our Network provides a variety of research opportunities for our partners, such as:
- Planning, applying and coordinating international research projects
- Laboratories and facilities for the raising and breeding of fish, shellfish, molluscs, macro- & microalgae in fresh- & saltwater, in RAS, Biofloc, lakes and oceans
- Biological & chemical laboratories. Veterinary laboratory. Sensory laboratory. Extruder for the production of fish feed.
- Use of research objects: Tilapia, Litopenaeus vannamei, Arapaima (Pirarucu),Pintado, Pacu, Tambaqui, Curimatã, Carp, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Cobia, diverse macroalgae, diverse microalgae, diverse shellfish species.
- Opportunities in German programs for Brazilian students (BS, MS, PhD)
- Financial support for mobility of staff & PhD students from Germany